Module Summary It is important for housing counselors to understand the basics of fair housing and know what is protected by the Fair Housing Act, or FHA, in order to inform and empower clients effectively. In this module, you’ll learn about the history of housing discrimination, key provisions of the FHA, and basic terms and concepts necessary for identifying potential violations of fair housing law.
Learning Objectives By the end of this module, counselor will be able to:
- Comprehend the connection between the history of civil rights and discriminatory practices in the financial and housing industry, as well as the early role of the federal government and banks.
- Comprehend key provisions of the Fair Housing Act and the impact of the law when discussing client's rights under the Fair Housing Act.
- Comprehend fair housing terms and concepts when discussing ways to identify and overcome violations of fair housing laws, including understanding of the seven protected classes.
- Identify which entities are subject to and which entities are exempt from compliance with fair housing laws.